Hell in Ofcol I, Kalistes of the Dark Robes, once again take up the quill and parchment as I tell to you the events that occured a fortnight ago from today. The quest-diety that started these events was not the near omniscient Mat, but the god Tom. Thus, was the body count decreased by ten fold; however, the events on that fated day were so unbelievable that It left a mark on Ofcol history, a dark blotch, and will for years to come. I, a humble servant of the Almighty Kil'rath'as, will tell you, O constant reader, how this came to be. I had just returned from a sojourn to the Abyss, paying tribute to milord Kil'rath'as. Making my way through the west gate of Kemo, I saw that the city was abuzz with excitement of some sort. I stopped at my guild to get a drink. The waiter served my wine with a trembling hand. He was quite pale. "What news since I left?" I asked him. "Huh?..oh, it's Ofcol. Daemons were seen there. Gods know what they're doing. I only hope that they finish thier business and leave, and leave Kemo alone," he replied. I sipped my wine and took stock of the situation. Ofcol was only some 10 miles from Kemo, and the two cities were great allies. Ofcol's adventurer population was nowhere near that of Kemo's though, and a daemon attack was grave news indeed. The best warrior there was the paladin Marshall Diana, and even she could not hope to defeat so many daemons if they had indeed overrun the city. Yes, something would have to be done. My mind wandered to that word, "Daemon." Everybody knows that daemons are an everyday thing in Landsverge, from the friendly auctioning daemon to the Pit Fiend. I idly wondered what kind of daemons they were. They could not be abyssal daemons, as the rift had not been opened sufficiently enough for even a simple mane to get through. But then, what could they be? Denizens of Baator--also known as the Nine Hells, or, more commonly, the Inferno. Hellions is my word for them, and the Abyss is pledged to wiping thier "lawful" brand of evil out. I knew my duty. I finished my wine, and made my way to the Temple of Kemo, the popular adventurer hangout. I saw, to little surprise, that there was already a group of adventurers there, led by Kroog, who I will proceed to name here: Athena, Moonshadow, Kain, Krill (Kroog's brother, mentor, and healer), Garat, Curer, the everpresent JWV, Ravensturm, Estalin, Kronis, the Quest-Diety avatar known as Terminal, and Leif. I watched the group cast spells of protection upon each other, ready and polish blades, hammers, knives, spears, and other objects that would leave the Hellions hurtin for certain. Spells were studied, meditated upon, and prepared. I do believe someone tried in vain to uncurse some cursed marbles. Moonshadow and the assassins shifted into sneak-mode; that is, they began to pad about silently. I cast a spell of invisibility upon myself and, moving as silently as my elvish frame would allow, crept towards Ofcol. As I got closer, I noticed a plumeof smoke rising from the city. I invoked a spell of flight to see better. It confirmed my worst fears: Ofcol was burning!! Men, women, and children scattered about as Hell Hounds ripped through the streets. A dark priest of Hell threw a fireball at a house, which obediently burst into flames. Cursing, I flew closer, looking for Marshall Diana. To my dismay, she lay in the middle of Impy Way, snoring contentedly. Apparantly a Hellion had cast a spell of sleep upon her. I flew back to Kemo. Halfway there, I saw Kroog's group rushing, with cries of "BANZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIII!!" towards the fray into Ofcol. Hesitatingly, followed them. The group rushed into Ofcol, smashing Hellions left and right as they went. Kroog bum rushed one of the priests, driving his sword through the priest's thin robed frame. The robes shuddered, then collapsed as if nothing had been in them in the first place. I spotted the avatar Terminal fending off two Hell-Hounds. The hounds bounded at him; and he thrust his sword along its ribs. However, the dog was only enraged, and its weight carried upon Terminal anyway, knocking Terminal's blade from his hands. The other Hell Hound bit deeply into Terminal's arm, almost severing it. Terminal screamed in pain as the Hound on top of him bit into his neck. Terminal may have died there, had not Moonshadow buried her blade deeply into the Hound's spinal column. The Hound fell. Kroog beheaded the other Hound, which, by this time, had a bone in its mouth and was about to bound away with it. The Hellions, sensing this new threat, quickly surrounded Kroog's merry band. They formed a ring around us all, cheering thier side. Some high priests, holding Hell Hounds by the collar, arrived. They let the Hell Hounds go. They went for Kroog. Four Hell Hounds are a match for anybody, even great warriors like Kroog. Tounges of flame licking out of thier mouths, they pounced on Kroog, knocking him down. For the next five minutes, every thing happened in slow motion, because it was-- It would seem that the Hellions, who were expecting Kemo to rally to Ofcol's side, had brought the most underhanded beast there is from the Inferno: The Lag Monster. Those five minutes seemed like an eternity. A red Sentry Spear came over the crowd of Hellions, thrown by Kronis. He did a smart back tuck over the crowd of priests and Hounds, and his sword of Nosferatu entered a Hell Hound's back at the same moment the spear did. I threw a lightning bolt at another Hell Hound, knocking it off of Kroog. To my horror, it bounded towards ME. Ravensturm, JWV, and Garat destroyed another Hell Hound, and Kroog, with blood flowing freely from lacerations where his armor had been bitten through, threw the final Hell Hound off with a mighty effort. He brought his sword down and clove through its skull, sending a fine mist of black blood spraying through the air. Krill threw a major heal at Kroog. Seeing this, the dark priests attacked Krill, who recited a scroll of recall and disappeared. Terminal lay moaning on the ground, mumbling epithets and blaspheming Tom's name. Three minutes had passed. A gout of warm liquid hit me from behind as I landed. I looked around to see Athena being ripped to shreds by Hell Hounds. There was blood everywhere, as everyone had been wounded to some degree. Skin was hanging off of my calf where a Hell Hound had lept up and bit me. Through a red haze of pain, I saw the priests release four more hounds and then attack us themselves. I threw a swarm of meteors at one priest, who, smoking, went down. Estalin was hit by a fireball and, reciting a scroll of recall, disappeared. Garat was torn apart by Hounds, and with his remaining arm held up a scroll of recall and dissapeared shortly after. Ravensturm and JWV were surrounded. They put up a terrific fight, but in the end had to recall. Terminal was being feasted upon. Kain and Kroog were left, and were cutting through Hound and priest alike. Presently a Hound got ahold of my robe, and would have set it afire with his flame-tongue had I not set him afire with a fireball. Then: Arioh and Hellraiser arrived. The two heroes came in swinging, Arioh with his Nosferatu sword and Hellraiser with his spells. Arioh impaled three dogs upon his sword. Hellraiser let loose a fireball so big it took out seven priests at once. All that was left of them was a pile of smoking boots and robes. Then: something strange happened. Time stopped for all of us. I saw Arioh, with a look of euphoric glee on his face, frozen, about to drive his sword through the back of yet another Hound. The three aforementioned Hounds were still on his sword. I tried to move, angry at myself for being (what I assumed) under a dark priest's spell. Then lo, a light shone from heaven as the clouds parted and dissapated. Suddenly, from the clear blue sky, a pillar of fire descended, enveloping all in its white-hot flames. Its heat embraced me, and I knew no more. I awoke the next morning, as did everybody else. Ofcol was a burned and blasted wreck. Sitting up, I was dimly aware of avatar Terminal's smoking skeleton. Hell Hound bodies were everywhere. Everything was smoking. I then realized that the Gods had somehow invoked the power of the almighty force known only as the CRASH. The CRASH, combined with the Lag Monster's fiendish powers, had sent us all reeling. I was lucky to be alive. I cannot remember how I made my way back to Kemo that dismal morning. I do recall, however, that while flying through what remained of Ofcol, I saw a rift---the rift that the hellions were literally pouring through. The rift remains there, to this day. Upon arriving at the Temple of Kemo, I saw the haggard face of Knightblade, along with the travelling hero known as Bum the Swordpupil of Death. Knightblade and Bum were still trying to drive out the Hellions, but it could not be done--unless the rift was closed. I explained this to them. Nevertheless, Bum and Knightblade trekked to Ofcol. They were gone for some time. During my wait, I prayed to the Powers that Be to close the rift; make Ofcol safe again. During the 11th hour of that dismal morning, Bum returned with Knightblade. Bum had suffered several bites; his armor was wrecked and slashed. Knightblade was worse, however-- he was near death, and would have died quickly, if not for the cleric Puck. The rift was never closed; it remains open. Quest-dieties, hear my plea. Close the rift before any more lives are lost, and purge the Hellions' dark, twisted souls. I humbly beg of you. -Kalistes 34th Day of the month of Nature, in the year of my Lord, 194.