Ghenna Reborn In a bloody, bowled out section of earth, a large dragon layed. He was a very large wyrm, built more like a snake then a lizard, his breathing sounded like the movement of a thousand bellows. Next to him lay a half eaten, mutliated corpse of some poor adventurer. And yet, the Deep Dragon, for that is who it is, could not enjoy his snack. He looked at the glowing jawbone of Suzerain that he kept with him. Suzerain had been the lord of ghenna back before he and his brethren of evil had started their reign. Not even reminiscing could help him, he knew that soon some blasted adventurer would run right by his pitiful excuse for a guard, the Gorgimera, and slay him for that jawbone and the ring made of viscera that he wore on this finger. The adventureres weren’t squemish, so they didn’t mind wearing these human parts for the powers they gave them. Once, Deep was a force to be reckoned with. After every other adventurer attack he would feast well, but now the blasted Adventurers of Kemo just kept getting bigger and meaner. He sighed and rolled over onto his back. Suddenly, a wave of pure black magic welled from a crack in the very rift of existence. Deep leaped to attention, just to see a black, ethereal form step out of the crack. Who are you he cooly demanded, not betraying how much in fear he was. I am a servent of the Dark One, oh once great dragon. He who helped in the corruption of Ghenna has become....displeased in the way you have been handling things of late. But my lord is merciful because of the way you have served him in the past. Gather the other followers of darkness who reside here. Meet me in the center of town at midnight not be late. This may very well be your last chance and existence. And with those words the dark powers were recalled and the crack was repaired. Slowly, a wicked grin began to play across the mouth of Deep Dragon as he left his layer to seek out the others. ************************************************************************** The center of Ghenna was the host of a crowded assemblege. The deep dragon had his long form rapped around a tree, with the gorgimera standing close by, roaring at any citizen who was unfortunate enough to get close. The Efreeti hovered above the others...caressing the bracelet he wore that shined with all the colors of the rainbow. The Deepspawn casually flicked his tentacles around, having some slaves pour water on him to keep him moist. Other monsters showed up in great numbers. Like the banshees, broken ones, bugbears and a few of the mighty argos as well. Casual conversation suddenly stopped a cold wind suddenly howled and the sky seemed darker, even though a full moon was out. A raging bonfire started by a few of the monsters winked out in an instant. Slowly, then with ever increasing speed, a crack appeared in the street. A the last instant it flew open, letting loose a rage of flame and volley of brimstone. Even the most fearless of the ones present took in a gasp of a air as an unearthly baritone voice began to speak. The voice seemed strangely accented as it said, This town use to be my shining pinacle, ever since I let Ghenna fall from the great graces it once held to the vile town of evil it now is, I could always count on all of you to help uphold my Creed of Darkness. But now the cursed adventurers have humilated me through you. Every time one of you falls, I bring you back from the Abyss, but it seems that is pointless because you just fail me again! The voice had reached a fever pitch, but then slowed and began to talk slowly and cooly again. Now, since the fall of Waterdeep, I have decided to forgive you for your mistakes and reward some for their faithful service to me. With this the flame changed from its reddish hue to a blacker, more corrupt color. Tongues of the flame leaped out, covering the assemblage in an earily dark inferno. When it had stopped, all those present suddenly cackled with glee. They felt stronger, quicker, and even more evil. Oh but I am not done yet the voice spoke, sounding almost gleeful. The mound from which the others have used to enter Ghenna now has my personal seal on it. No one may enter Ghenna without my permission, but it can not last forever. And now let us use this time wisely Over a period of months, Ghenna began to change. The denizens began to learn deadly attacks to use upon the adventurers. Training was difficult, and many perished. But those who survived were even more deadly. Even the once proud Swordmaster became edgy and hostile. A large demonic warlord was raised from the very depths of Hell to serve as his guardian. And finally when the Dark One’s seal began to weaken, Ghenna was ready. Many adventures traveled to its depths some succeeding, others lucky to escape with their lifes. Until someone can conquer the evil of Ghenna it will always be a hive of evilness, festering like an infected wound.